The greatest desire of every human being is to lead a life free from fear and anxiety. Because fear and anxiety affect people both physically and psychologically negatively and leave them in a serious void. For this reason, the Qur'an has expressed living in security as a great blessing for man and society and has also stated what should be done in this regard. However, the fact that it is stated in the Qur'an that man is tested with feelings of fear and anxiety shows that these feelings exist in the human nature and at the same time they are not devoid of benefit and wisdom. This is because fear and anxiety are emotions that make human beings both respectful towards Allah and cautious towards other living beings. Since it is not possible to avoid these emotions, taking precautions against them has taken the first place among the most basic duties of every human being. In this study, it has been tried to analyse the verses in which the words fear, and anxiety are mentioned consecutively and the qualities of those who will be safe from them and to reach a conclusion. In addition, the etymological meanings of these concepts, their effects on human psychology, the number of places and suras in the Qur'an have been examined under separate headings. As a result of our study, it has been seen that those who have the qualities such as "doing righteous deeds, reforming, having direction and spending" will be free from fear and anxiety.
Keywords: Tafsir, fear, anxiety, improvement, spending