In this research, which was carried out in order to reveal the navigational characteristics of the makams based on the Buselik works of Dellâlzâde İsmail Efendi in the Dârül-Elhan archive, and to determine how Dellâlzâde's understanding of maqam course would affect the studies on teaching maqam; One of the qualitative research methods, document analysis for determining the situation, or in other words, document analysis was used.
In the research, studies of Buselik works of Dellâlzâde İsmail Efendi in the Dârül-elhan Archive were made, a new maqam course narrative was developed according to the analyzed works, and an example of maqam course was tried to be obtained within the framework of this narrative. The findings revealed as a result of the work analysis were interpreted in the theoretical framework order and Dellâlzâde İsmail Efendi's understanding of the course of maqam was revealed.
According to the findings obtained in the research; It is thought that Dellâlzâde İsmail Efendi's feature of understanding of maqam in Buselik compositions will guide the aspects that are not understood in terms of the concepts of maqam and tone, and that the maqams in the works will help to make the maqams both understandable and identifiable.
Within the framework of Dellâlzâde's theoretical understandings before his own period, it has been determined that the use of pitches in makams is largely similar, but differs in terms of rhythm and introductory sound.
When a comparison is made between his own period and maqam descriptions and the navigating characteristics of the works, it has been determined that the frets used, the navigating structure and the initial sounds do not match the maqam descriptions of this period.
Keywords: Dellalzade İsmail Efendi, Darul-Elhan, Maqam, Progressing, Melodic Progression