The borderline patient's tendency to manipulate makes it difficult to determine the disease through objective tests and can lead to misleading results. However, the fact that borderline patients generally preserve their ability to assess reality, except under special conditions such as regression caused by alcohol-substance use, intense stress situations or transference neurosis, causes the formal organization of their thought processes to appear intact in clinical interviews, and again, the correct diagnosis and therefore treatment. can block access. However; In particular, the non-manipulation nature of unstructured projective tests such as the Rorschach Test reveals their primary process thinking tendencies and distorted thinking and association processes. The aim of this study is to determine borderline personality disorder using the Rorschach Test, which is a projective assessment method. For this purpose, the Rorschach Test response category findings of 37 individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and 37 individuals who were not diagnosed with any mental health disorder after psychiatric evaluation were compared with the Mann Whitney U Test. The results of the study reveal that certain response categories are statistically significantly more involved in the Rorschach Test responses of borderline personality disorder patients compared to individuals without a mental health disorder diagnosis. These response categories are consist of; difficulty in holistic perception of identity and extensive use of the splitting defense mechanism (F-, Hd, Ad), dysphoria (Clobf, FClob), sensitivity to emptiness (Gbl, Dbl, Ddbl), impulsivity (Kob), problematics about boundaries (Contamination, Confabulation (H), Anatomy) responses.
Keywords: Borderline personality disorder, Rorschach Test, splitting, projection, projective identification.