Although the phonation in speaking and singing is similar, the technique used in singing is different. The singer who sings with the right technique must also learn to protect his voice. It is important for singers, who may encounter various voice problems, to pay attention to vocal hygiene and to apply the right solution method in the face of negativities, in terms of protecting physical and mental health as well as vocal health. Some of the most important factors that cause sound problems in singers are misuse of the voice, excess timing and duration of the performance, not taking the necessary precautions to protect the sound before or after the performance, unhealthy rehearsal environments, not resting the voice, not knowing the Lombard effect, the use of various substances, some drugs that are constantly used, seasonal diseases, sleeplessness, fatigue, not being cautious about weather conditions and performance anxiety. The parts of plants that are obtained from various parts of the plant and have therapeutic properties are called herbal drugs. The therapeutic forms of these herbal drugs prepared by different methods are called preparations. These drugs and preparations can also be effective in voice problems that may occur in singers. In this study, voice problems that can be encountered in singers are mentioned and herbal drugs-preparations that can be used in these problems are mentioned too. The research is important in terms of making a interdisciplinary evaluation of the music and health disciplines on the health of the singer. In the research, descriptive research method was used, 14 plants were examined and the effects of these plants on the vocal health of the singers were mentioned.
Keywords: Singing, vocal, drog, herbal product, phytotherapy