Ulakbilge - Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Cilt 9, Sayı 66  2021/11  (ISSN: 2148-0451, E-ISSN: )
Aslı SARI, H. Fatma ŞENER

NO Makale Adı

Research; the use of nanotechnology anti-microbial clothing in hospital environments has been planned to determine prevention and protection of protective clothing from hospital infections, types of protective clothing, properties of fabric and models, and preferences for protective clothing. Survey is used as a data collection tool in the research. The universe of research, These include medical staff working at hospitals in Ankara. Sample the research; Ankara Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Gazi Hospital, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Ibni Sina Research and Application Hospital, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. The statistical analysis of the data obtained from the survey form in the computer environment was performed using the SPSS program. Number (f) and percentage (%) values were determined and interpreted in tables to determine the opinions of the health workers related to each substance. Looking at the results of healthcare staff, they emphasized that the garments they use provide partial protection, and preferred fabric properties having antibacterial, alcohol and liquid repellent, airpermeable, anti-static and model properties such as V-neck, back-bound and long-sleeve properties.

Keywords : Protective clothing, infection, nanotechnology