The number of non-governmental organizations which are increasing day by day in our country plays an active role in many fields, especially economic, cultural and political in the process of change. In this respect, the use of digital platforms used by non-governmental organizations is important. Non-governmental organizations can make their voices heard faster thanks to digital platforms that provide direct access to their participants. With the widespread use of digital platforms, participants are organized and mobilized. In this context, women's movements, which are described as social movements, have increased their effectiveness through digital platforms. In this study, the content shared on twitter by Platform for Stopping Women's Murders on digital activism was examined. Accordingly, the motion for rape submitted on 17 November 2016 to be discussed in parliament was taken as the basis. Therefore, the study was limited to November 1, 2016 - November 30, 2016.
Keywords: Digital activism, non-governmental organizations, woman’s movements, social media