The amount of waste is increasing every passing day with the increase of the population is becoming a problem all over the world. Each generation could reduce the amount of waste both for a world on equal terms to pursue a better life as well as energy from waste, so that it can benefit from one of the ways to contribute to the national economy as raw materials are recycled. Recycling, also contributes to sustainable development in a way that does justice to protect the right to life of the current generation and future generations. Recycling is a new business field for businesses that want to ensure their continuity and profitability in a competitive environment. On the other hand businesses want to minimize their costs. Fuzzy linear programming operating costs may be minimized. Fuzzy linear programming; in decision-making under uncertainty, complex problems in modeling, real-life problems in making mathematical models and the results are useful in obtaining flexible than linear programming. This work; food and agricultural products by drawing attention could make evaluation by recycling the raw feed of waste recycling to a new point of view to point out, ensuring the continuity of sustainable development, environment and economy to make emphasis on the reduction, the loss of food and agricultural products business to a company engaged in feed raw material recycling of waste the total cost of using fuzzy linear programming model is performed in order to minimize. In the application part of the study of food and agricultural products from recycled waste will minimize the total cost of operating a business in which the raw material was established fuzzy linear programming model and the model was solved with LINDO 6.01 program. In conclusion, compared to the total cost of the business; the total cost of the optimum model obtained by the fuzzy linear programming solution method is more advantageous savings of 26 % were obtained in operation.
Keywords: Recycling, Sustainable Development, Recycling Food and Agricultural Products Waste to Raw Feed, Fuzzy Linear Programming.