The work “Köşk Kapısı” by Burhan Uygur, one of the leading painters of the Modern Turkish Painting Art, has been examined within the framework of non-linguistic signs and analyzed with the semiotic method. Semiotics rapidly spreading and transforming into a science field which is needed more and more in our present world began to display the influece it has on linguistics also on plastic arts. The aim of this work is to examine and interpret the values constituting the foundation of the plastic arts with regard to the “displayer” and the “displayed”. The examination of the artist’s work titled “Köşk Kapısı” within the framework of semiotics is considerably significant in terms of being able to criticize a work of art as well as being able to make out the underlying connotations of what is seen. A semiotic viewpoint renders signification and interpretation more scientific and understandable.
Keywords: Semiotics, Burhan Uygur, Plastic Arts, Modern Art